Composition a few things..........

1.  Don't forget to hand in your Getting to Know your Digital Camera worksheet.....that should be placed in a folder (collection) in your google docs and the collection should be shared with me, not the doc.  Only 1 person did it right Erica- ask her what she did.........I will explain more when I get back on the 17th.

2.  I want you go go to your google docs and in the folder I shared with you will see a quiz..........take it now !!!  Use the google form below.

3.  Read these articles about composition.  All of these are important and go along with your assignment!!!  I know the posts by heart!  (this is also in your Digital Camera FOlder I shared iwth you)

4.  Your in class assignments for the next few days is in your google docs as well.  Here is a link.  You can take photos today, tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday (early out) in class.  Monday I will have a video on your first theme assignment which is posted to the calendar.  The theme is UP....... you take that however you want!  A year ago I did project 52, a photo a week for 1 year.  We had themes...... here is a link to my Flickr album and how I interrupted the themes I was given.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great resource. Thank you! Composition is one of the most important thing to learn.

    Sanyo Digital Camera
