Logging in and downloading photos

So I would love to give you a video on how to log into your server, but I can't record my screen and do it at the same time, so here is step by step instructions.

What you are basically doing is turning your computer into you own, whatever you download into Iphoto or onto the desktop will be only seen by YOU!  Digital Camera class is the only class with assess to the server.  So here you go........you will want to do this EVERYDAY!!!

1.  Go to the APPLE in the top left.
2.  Log Out Cadet.
3.  Choose other for the screen....sometimes it takes a few moments to load.
4.  Log in with your normal user name and password- whatever you use for your school gmail.

The computer is now yours!!!

Create a Folder on your desktop that say BLOG PHOTOS.  This is where you will want to save all of your photos you work on.

Create a Folder on your desktop that says ACTIONS.

Hook up your camera and download you photos to Iphoto.

There are card readers for you to use- Skylar- Kodak cameras don't like Iphoto so you may need to use a card reader!

Here is what you do to your UP photo: