Week of April 15th

BUSY WEEK!!!  I will not be here Tuesday-Thursday.  So you will be taking photos all week- 6 in school and 6 outside of school- you will be creating contact sheets on them and getting a grade so take ALL 12!!!

What does it take to get a 10 on your blog????  Let's go to this link http://www.chsdigitalcamera.blogspot.com/2012/02/action.html Read their posts (if they graduated the link won't work)  Which blog posts got 10's (above and beyond)- which got 8's (bare min.) which got 5's (typos, and not answer all questions).

Did you comment on someones blog????  Alot of you are missing blog comments!!!

You are NOT TO be online searching for anything- if you are on YOUTUBE your computer will be taken away!!!!  BLOG ONLY!

Monday- Work day- MANY OF YOU HAVE PHOTOS NOT DONE!!!!!!!!!  Get them done!!!!

TUESDAY- Texture- you will be taking photos of textured things- remember your RULE OF 3RDS when taking these photos!!!

WEDNESDAY- Pattern- you will be taking photos of patterns.  Again- RULE OF 3RDS

THURSDAY- Line- you will be taking photos of line as the main subjects- AGAIN- RULE OF 3RDS!!