White Out Link Up

White Out

Here is your link up for you White out Photos.  You need to answer the following questions on EVERY blog.  If you forget you can go to the blogging page, they are listed there.  Each blog is worth 15 points- 10 points for the blog post and 5 for commenting on a person's blog.

  • 10 points for going ABOVE and beyond the standard question 
  • 8 points for just answering the questions 
  • 5 points for not answering all of the questions
Here is what you have to do:

1. Tell me what actions you used.  (If no actions used tell me if it was straight out of the camera or if you customized it in Photoshop.)
2.  Why you picked your photo to be edited.
3.  Tell me what you liked about your photo.
4. what you would improve on your photo.
5. Any additional info that Mrs. Riehle adds to her blog post for you to do. 
6.  Each week you also need to comment on someones blog- copy that comment and come back to the link up post and paste it into my comments and tell me whose blog you commented on.

What am I looking for in comments- go here!


  1. Codey- I commented on Amanda Campbell's photo. I liked all the different shades of grey on the photo

  2. Arielle Engelhart- I commented on Amanda C's photo.


  3. I commented on Jorden Mckenna's Photo

  4. I commented on Jorden's photo-I like all the different shades of white

  5. Danielle Baldwin- I commented on Jorden's photo- I like how the fog adds to the theme and makes it so you can't see anything eles like buildings and the ground.

  6. I commented on Jorden's photo.
