December Challenge to you

On Dec. 12th you will have a special blog post.  In light of the fact that is is 12-12-12 we will be participating in global project.  We, along with thousands of other schools will be all blogging about the same thing- our twist .... you have to take 12 photos of your 12 favorite things!!!!  You will be expected to edit all of them to look good!!!!  Your blog post will be due on the 12th, you will need to start the post early- after each photo edited put it in your post but don't publish it until the 12th.   On that Wednesday you will have a special set of questions you will have to answer and post that day.

You assignment is worth 100 points and you will NOT get credit for this assignment if you don't link up on 12-12-12, so if you are at home, you will need to do this assignment from your sick bed!!!

Sooooooo..... don't delay- start taking pictures now!

What is Mrs. Riehle looking for??????  Some great shots- keep in mind rule of 3rds- composition- the actions you choose to edit them- angles, angles, angles.

I will be doing this assignment with you, so start now- you don't want to be editing photos on the 12th!!!