8th Hour Today!

Hi class, sorry I can't be here.  If you need to go out and take photos you can, please return the camera to Mrs. Lemkuhl, she can put it in my mailbox.

Here is what you need to know:

1.  The panoramas you took yesterday are in the Digital Camera folder in your google drive.
2.  You need to download set 33 and Riehle's good planets also.
3.  Run Riehle's planets-  you need to run RESIZE FIRST!!!  Than you can run any of the other actions.  Your resize has a built in snapshot so you can go back if you need to.
4.  Once you are done, flatten and make a snapshot (in your history).
5.  Run a set 33 action on it- it does a funky color change.

Now you are done!  Well almost, you need to do it to your 360 as well.  On your blog you need to have original as well as the planet.

Layer 1 one, layer 2 off

Layer 1 off, layer 2 on

Riehle's Planet

Riehle's Well