Pinning it up...your first blog post!

So its time to create your first blog post and to create a Digital Camera Scavenger Hunt Pinboard in Pinterest.  (I created one too check it out by clicking here)   As you all may have figured out, I am a huge Pinterest fan, I think it was made by an artist....but I'm not sure.  If you don't have a Pinterest account you can set one up using your school email.  If you only use it for this class that is fine, when you are done you can delete it, but we will be using it throughout the year.

Here is what you are going to do, a photography scavenger hunt.  You are going to find 20 photos, all will be pinned to Pinterest.  In the description of the pin you will put which item it matches.  On your blog you will tell me WHO took the photo, WHY you picked the photo, and WHY you did or did not like it.

So why are you doing this??????  To be inspired? So Mrs. Riehle can see your photographic eye?  To see what type of photography interests you? To have some fun?  To see how you can use Pinterest for reason other than finding prom dresses? YES!
I also want the answer to this question:  What would life be like without photos?????.

So for the first few I have given you examples of websites that contain what I am looking for, you can google them (DO NOT USE GOOGLE IMAGES, FIND THE WEBSITE), use Pinterest and repin (you will want to check out the website), or Flickr (I have a flickr stream as well!)  PS- Don't pin things from the first 8 websites.

Photographers who take photos of the following:
1. Portraiture
2. Landscapes (no animals)
3. Wildlife (animals)-
4. Sports Photography-
5. Editorial Photography (tells a story)-
6. Fine Art- Still Lifes etc.-
7. Fashion Photography-  FYI- I can't pin from this website- if that is the case copy and paste the link and put it in your blog.
8. Commercial Photography- ( Here I had to go to the blog to find something I could pin, the website didn't let me pin)  Paul is also an EXCELLENT editorial photographer, check his website and his blog out!!!)

Find Photos that contain these things:  Make sure they are artistic photos, not just snapshots. (I pinned some in My Digital Camera Board if you would like to see them them)
9. Insects or Waterdrops (Macro photography)
10. Happiness
11.  Pattern
12.  Bokah (oooooooooo what's bokah, look it up)
13. Old hands
14.  Moon
15.  Water
16.  Black and White ONLY
17.  Architechture
18.  Sorrow or pain
19.  Depth of field (foreground sharp, background blurry)
20.  Free Choice

PS- Don't forget to link your board!!!!!