Hubcaps and Tail Lights Action!

You need to download the instagram action or the hipsta pac (if you want this you must down load the patterns too, they install the same as actions, just double click!) from google docs (they are located in the Hubcap Action Folder)!

Run a basic action, like Ashley's.

For the Instagram:
This is a 3 part action- here are the steps:

1.  Crop your image to 8"x8" 300 resolution.  It must be square!
2.  Run one of the first 12 actions on the photo.
3.  Run one of the bottom frame actions on the photo.

For the Hipsta Pac:

1. Crop your Image to 8"x8" square- this is VERY IMPORTANT!
2.  Run the ! <MUST!!! Prepare the image   Action  (It is going to tell you to stop- (You have already done this step)  Press Play on your actions again!
3.  Run EACH ACTION- it will create a snapshot for each one in the history pallette so you can see what each one looks like and choose the best!