
Lots to do this week!!!!

Today- Work on editing your composition photo using basic editing actions.  Also download your WHITE OUT photo and edit that using basic and artistic actions.

You will post 2 blogs  on for your composition and one for your White out- they are due FRIDAY!  Which means you need to LINK IT UP!  Links will open today and stay open until midnight Friday.

Tomorrow bring your cameras- we will be taking photos in class so report to the art room!  Please bring some fabric, wrapping paper and a plastic water or pop bottle you can put a hole in!

Also blogging rules are located at the top of the page- with the questions you have to answer.  You will also have to comment on someone else's photo for each blog post, we will review that on Thursday.

Want to know what the PW actions do????  Here is a link to the examples of what they do to your photo!