Reminders, actions, winner and a theme....all rolled into one!

Happy Monday!
A few reminders:
1- I will be judging/grading Line photos tomorrow, please get them uploaded TODAY!
2- Remember I read your comments you post on blogs, as well as your blog - You get points for GOOD comments and GOOD blog posts!!!!  Tell me something in your blog.........and your comments!

Today/tomorrow we are going to talk about making our own actions.  You have all used actions, you all know what they do, however do you know how they work?  Today and tomorrow you are going to create your own actions that will help enhance your photos.  You will than use those actions on your theme photo REFLECTION.
 Here is an article in Range Finder Magazine (a free magazine you can get if you like photography).  It will help you step by step on making your own actions. 

The 3 actions you will create:

1- Color Correction (fix the color on your photo)
2- Sharpen- (it will bring out the details in your photo)
3- Custom Dodge and Burn layer- Allows you to lighten and darken areas of your photo.


Katie D
Tyler K

Congrats!!!  You can view their photos here and here!

Next theme:
Illustrate a Song  Want examples check out this Flickr Search!