Adding Texture to your Photos

Ok so here is what you are going to to:
2.  Run some actions to clean up your photo! (Save your photo on your desktop BEFORE THE NEXT STEP)
3.  Add texture.

Adding texture????  It can take a boring photo and make it wonderful!!!!  Adding texture is one of my favorite things to do to a photo.  But how do you do it you say??????  Easy!  First you have to find  the right texture/textures that will work well with your photo!  Where can you find those?  Right here!  The artist is know as Skeletalmass and he is WONDERFUL!  He also has a great blog which has textures as well!

Here is a great tutorial on how to using textures and blending modes to your photo!
Here is another that is a bit simpler:

Also here is how I applied it to one of my photos:

So you can take this:

And make it look like this:

What you are going to do:
You are going to add textures to 3 of your photos.
On your blog post your BEST photo, post both your non texture and your texture- just like I did up here.
On top of the questions your already post tell me how many textures you used.

DO NOT COMMENT ON ANYONES'S PHOTOS TODAY!  We are going to have a day next week to do that!!!!

Now, go to google docs and download the LINE file.  You are going to put all three of your textures on one file.  Upload that to google docs and share it with me!